

Spectroscopic Ellipsometer M-2000® with Auto-Angle ESM-300 Base (CompeteEASE® Software) including 5 mL horizontal liquid cell (RC®), 500 µL variable temperature liquid cell and environmental cell for surface analytics.

Responsible persons: Oleksandr Moskalyk, Michael Zoppelt


Autosorb iQ

With the Autosorb iQ from Quantachrom surface areas, pore size and pore size distributions can be analyzed. We have two fully equipped measuring stations and we can measure with nitrogen, argon and krypton. This also allows a micropore analysis and the examination of small sample occurrences. Additionally, we have a CyroSync which allows measurements at 87 K. In addition to gas absorption, our device also has a vapor option. This allows us to analyze the wetting of materials more precisely. We also have the latest DFT kernels at our disposal for the evaluation of the measurement data.

Responsible: Joanna Mikolei

SLA 3D-printer

Using the Formlabs Form 2 or Asiga MAX X27 UV 3-D printer objects out of ceramic or clear polymer can be produced via stereolithography thechnology.

3-D Drucker.PNG
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Nanofiltration device

The Poseidon nanofiltration device from Convergence can be used to investigate questions of membrane permselectivity, permeability and fouling.

Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Mikroscope

The Nikon Inverted Research Microscope ECLIPSE Ti2-E/Ti2-E/B can be used to generate an “evanescent electric field” from 100 to 200 nm from the coverslip. The possible laser wavelengths are 405 nm, 488 nm and 638 nm.


Synthesis lab

Nanopore functionalization and polymer synthesis is carried out in our fully equipped synthesis labs.

Electro chemistry

The two potentiostats Autolab PGSTAT302N and PGSTAT204 by Metrohm are used to investigate the ionic transport in porous films by cyclic voltammetry and for impedance measurements.

Thin film preparation

To create thin films the climate chamber Binder APT.lineTM KBF (E5.2) is used. Due to its constant conditions thin films can be created reproducible

Evaporator system

The CREAMET 300 V2 is used to create a thick metal layer up to 5μm on surfaces via thermal evaporation.

Drying oven

In our working group we use the drying oven for the removal of organic template molecules (e.g. after dipcoating) and to create porous films.