
Train LSE Cofund EU

To enable chemical information processing between synthetic or biological compartments we aim to integrate synthetic nanopores into multicompartment systems to control molecular transport in time, and thus to design chemical information exchange between compartments.

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DFG Project

Nanometerpräzise und multifunktionale Porenfunktionalisierung durch Benetzungssteuerung

Communicating reaction spaces are a prerequisite for the construction of complex systems. They are discussed in the context ofso-called “life-like materials” but also for technological applications in sensor technology, e.g. for signal amplification.

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DFG Project

FOR Transieves – Highly ordered, electrically modulatable, conductive mesoporous separation layers

The „Forschergruppe“ funded by DFG aims to implement transient separation concepts in nanoscale pores. Within this context our research group investgates the experimental implementation of transient separation in conductive mesoporous materials. An increase in separation selectivity and more energy efficient separation is envisioned.

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Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

Das ITN-Projekt “STIMULUS” fokusiert sich auf bessere diagnostische Strategien, neuartige Materialien und eine gezieltere Wirkstoff-Steuerung bei der Behandlung von entzündlichen Wundinfektionen.

Funding: EU-Förderprogramm Marie-Skłodowska-Curie

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Grundlage dieses Start-up Projekts ist ein Prozess zur ortsaufgelösten Hydrophobierung von Papieren mittels einer dünnen Schicht aus Silica.

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ERC StG „3D-FNPWriting“

3D-FNPWriting will reduce the performance gap between natural and technological membranes based on significantly increased 3D nanolocal control on nanopore structure and asymmetric nanoscale functionalization as well as on membrane architecture and composition.

Funding: ERC

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SFB 1194

Our project within the collaborative research center „Interaction between transport and wetting processes“examines the transport of charged molecules in solution through nanometer scale pores and explores the interaction with the wetting characteristics of the substrate.

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In this context “pH” is an important parameter to control the charge within spatial confinement and thus to control pore accessibility. Thereby, spatial confinement influences “pH” in pores.

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DFG Project

3-D Local Near-Field Mode Initiated Polymerisation

We are exploring the potential of near field modes to localize polymer functionalization in three dimensions at the nanoscale. Due to the wavelength region of these near field modes such as surface plasmons this needs visible light (> 470 nm) induced polymerizations.

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