DFG Project
3-D (nanoscale) Local Near-Field Mode Initiated Polymerisation at Mesporous Interfaces
We are exploring the potential of near field modes to localize polymer functionalization in three dimensions at the nanoscale. Due to the wavelength region of these near field modes such as surface plasmons this needs visible light (> 470 nm) induced polymerizations. Currently, we are for example investigating dye-sensitized polymerization using methylene blue or fluoresceine.
Formerly involved team members: Marius Kirsch
D. John, M. Stanzel, A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Surface Plasmons and Visible Light Iniferter Initiated Polymerization for Nanolocal Functionalization of Mesoporous Separation Layers, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 31,2009732.
D. John, R. Mohammadi, N. Vogel, A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Surface plasmon and green light induced polymerization in mesoporous thin silica films, Langmuir, 2020, 36, 7, 1671-1679.
N. Herzog, J. Kind, C. Hess, A. Andrieu-Brunsen, Surface Plasmons & Visible Light For Polymer Functionalization of Mespores and Manipulation of Ionic Permselectivity , Chem. Commun., 51, 11697, (2015).
Funding: DFG